Explore Marine Mammals or Run the Gauntlet with Columbia River Salmon, March 17

Join South Slough for a very special program at the Charleston Marine Life Center on Saturday, March 18 from 10am -12 pm.  We will have the center all to ourselves for an hour as we explore the amazing marine mammals in our area.  When the center opens at 11am we encourage families to stay and explore all the exciting displays throughout the building.  Meet at the Marine Life Center in Charleston. To register please go to: http://www.oregon.gov/dsl/SS/Pages/Education.aspx  (Free) For more information please call 541.888.5558 ext. 121.  From 1-2 pm Saturday, March 18 view a science film about salmon in the Columbia River.  This must see film, “Salmon: Running the Gauntlet” is an object lesson that encourages us to examine our conservation efforts in a new light.  Come enjoy the big screen and popcorn.  To register please go to: http://www.oregon.gov/dsl/SS/Pages/Education.aspx  For more information please call 541.888.5558 ext. 121 for this free event!