If you are now or think you may become interested in fly fishing, don’t miss the September 8th meeting of the Lower Umpqua Fly Fishing club. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the meeting room of the Coos Bay Fire Station, 450 Elrod Avenue, in downtown Coos Bay. The guest speaker will be Brian O’Keefe, a internationally known fly fishing expert and photographer. O’Keefe will be doing an informative PowerPoint presentation, titled, “Fly Fish Oregon.” O’Keefe’s collection of photos and destinations in Oregon range from Klamath Falls to the Deschutes, John Day, and , in his words, “ to many off the beaten path treasures.” After selling his first fly fishing photo at age 16, O’Keefe spent the next 47 years, “trying to fish and photo as many places as possible.” His travels include Tonga, Bikini Atoll, New Zealand, Chili, Argentina, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Kashmir, England, Brazil, Nicaragua and more. He has been involved with numerous fly fishing magazines including Outdoor Life and Field and Stream.