News release from the Coos Co. Sheriff’s Office. On 4-9-16 at 2130 hours the Coos County Sheriff’s Office was alerted to an injury accident on Gravelford Lane near the intersection of Sitkum Lane about 8 miles east of Myrtle Point. First responders from Myrtle Point Fire and the Sheriff’s Office responded to the rural location and found a red, 1995 Chevrolet, S10 model, pickup. The pickup had left the gravel roadway while negotiating a curve striking a tree 20” in diameter on the passenger side. The impact partially entrapped a male juvenile passenger in the truck. First responders from Myrtle Point Fire removed the 16 year old male juvenile and he was transported to Coquille Valley hospital with a suspected broken leg and facial lacerations. The male operator, identified as Levi Randall, 18 YOA of Myrtle Point was not injured. Investigators believe the vehicle was traveling to fast for the road conditions. The investigation is still continuing.

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