Lane Co. SO release – The Lane County Sheriff’s Office received the report of a missing mushroom picker Monday afternoon at about 2:30pm. A man who had been lost in the woods in the area of Herman Peak Rd. northeast of Florence managed to hike his way out of the woods to a house in the Mercer Lake area. The man reported to authorities that he had become separated from his girlfriend a couple of days prior and that she was believed to still be lost somewhere in the woods. Lane County Sheriff Search and Rescue personnel responded to the area and began searching for her. The female was located by SAR personnel late in the evening. She had fallen into an area in the woods that was very difficult to access. She was hypothermic, very disoriented and difficult to move. The US Coast Guard provided a helicopter but were unable to hoist her out due to heavy fog that had set in the area. Rescuers made the decision to stabilize and remain with her through the night until they could attempt to hike out in the morning. Tuesday morning at about 5:30am rescuers were able to get the female up to the nearest roadway and into an ambulance. She was transported to an area hospital for treatment. “I am so proud of our Search and Rescue team.” said Lane County Sheriff Cliff Harrold. “Their care and compassion for others is so apparent. Our community is a better place because of these brave men and women and their dedication to saving the lives of others.”