Entries on the NBPD log for April 30 involving individuals. At 3:31 a.m., 2400 block Clark St., “report of suspicious subject holding up a rock in front of RP in his car, officers checked area & UTL GPA. At 10:26 a.m., 2500 block Broadway, “employee at location request officer trespass DOC female in store / officer respond and contacted suspect across the street from the store / issued permanent trespass. At 11:31 a.m., 2000 block 16th St., “report of transient on porch at location who won’t leave / officers respond and subject agreed to leave.” At 2:11 p.m., 2000 block Sherman Ave., “suspicious subject yelling outside, request he be moved on / officers contacted the subject with MRT, subject declined assistance. At 4:49 p.m., 1400 block Sherman Ave., “security at Parkside Motel reported female yelling at tenants and entering roadway “officer respond, issued permanent trespass, subject left on foot.”
According to an entry on the NBPD log for May 4, 9:10 p.m., “officer out with shoplifter / subject wanted out of CBPD / subject cited in lieu of custody,” 37-year old Dustin T. Anderson, Coos Bay, charged with two-counts of Burglary II, Attempted Burglary, two-counts Criminal Mischief II, three-counts Criminal Trespass I & Criminal Mischief I.
According to an entry on the NBPD log for May 6, 6:40 a.m., 2400 block Madrona St., “report vehicle was entered sometime overnight / officer respond, report taken UEMV & Theft.”
According to an entry on the NBPD log for May 9, 2:40 a.m., 200 block So. Schoneman St., CB, 33-year old Christopher L. Garrison cited for DWS Violation, Failure of Previous Violator to File Insurance, cited for VRO (82/35), Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle, cited for Reckless Driving, & Reckless Endangering, “cited in lieu of custody due to COVID-19.”
According to an entry on the NBPD log for May 9, 4:18 a.m., Hwy. 101 & East Bay Rd., 34-year old Raymond C. Stitt, Coos Bay, cited for DWS and warned for Defective Equipment, VBR, FTC Proof of Insurance, Failure to Resister as a Sex Offender, “subject cited in lieu of custody due to COVID-19 vehicle secured on scene.