ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—Oregon’s Fish Passage Task Force and the Fish Passage Rules Revision Initiative Sub-Committee will convene a joint meet Friday, Feb. 24 in Salem at ODFW Headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE. The meeting is scheduled for 9:00 a.m.-4:30 pm. Members of the public who are interested may come to the meeting in-person or watch online by clicking here to join the meeting. The meeting agenda includes numerous ODFW Fish Passage Program updates and Task Force business items. The agenda can be found on the ODFW Fish Passage Program website at ODFW Fish Passage Task Force. Public participation is encouraged but pre-registration is required to provide verbal testimony. The deadline to register is 9:00 am Wednesday, Feb. 22 (48 hours prior to the meeting). Public comments will be heard during the meeting and on separate agenda items. When registering to provide verbal testimony, please provide your first and last name, which agenda item you wish to speak to and a valid email address and phone number. Call or email greg.d.apke@odfw.oregon.gov, (503) 931-4361 with this information to register. Written comments are also encouraged and accepted anytime prior to meeting; send comments to [greg.d.apke@odfw.oregon.gov%C2%A0]greg.d.apke@odfw.oregon.gov The nine-member Task Force meets regularly to advise ODFW and the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission on fish passage policies and issues. Task Force members represent water users and owners-operators, fisheries and conservation interests, and the general public-at-large. Additional information on the Task Force and the ODFW Fish Passage Program is available on the ODFW website or by contacting Greg Apke, ODFW Fish Passage Program Coordinator, at (503) 931-4361 or greg.d.apke@odfw.oregon.gov