With the significantly reduced threat to homes, the last of the OSFM’s structure protection resources will be departing today. Local responders, working with personnel assigned directly to the fire, will take over structural protection and patrol. Although the resources from the OSFM will be returning home, the number of personnel assigned to the fire has actually increased with the addition of more wildland firefighters.  OSFM task forces can and will return quickly if conditions warrant. Chief Deputy Mariana Ruiz-Temple states, “it has been an honor to serve your community and I can’t say enough about your local responders. Their efforts were heroic and this community is fortunate to have them. As always, if you need us, we’ll be here for you.” The Office of State Fire Marshal wants to thank the local responders and the community for their efforts the night the Klondike West Fire spread five miles.  The OSFM would also like to thank the fire agencies that worked so hard to support the mutual aid system over the 2018 fire season, especially this late in the season.

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