The Sea Star Wasting Disease Epidemic that hit West Coast populations last year has reportedly hit its peak and now headed towards a recovery at least at one North Oregon Coast location. According to reports out of Haystack Rock, at Cannon Beach, the disease decimated at least 90-percent of the Sea Star population at Haystack Rock, leaving mostly juveniles to survive. While the upward trend is good, some Sea Star species have failed to return. The Single Sunflower has not been found by volunteers with Haystack Rock Awareness Program (HRAP). Sunflowers are a species normally found in tide pools during low tides. Six-Rayed Sea Stars; however, have proliferated at the Needles, near Haystack Rock. A second survey has been scheduled for Jan. 20. Last summer scientists may have identified the virus responsible for the wasting disease. “Densovirus” has been associated with Sea Star Wasting Disease, but scientists say there are many unanswered questions.