Southwestern Oregon Community College celebrates 54th graduating class, June 12

The Southwestern Oregon Community College (SWOCC) hosts its 54th annual commencement on Friday, June 12, 2015. The 2015 Class includes 386 graduates from 19 states and 5 countries. Graduates will leave Southwestern with a variety of degrees and certificates in science, business, arts and other fields. Graduates have earned 171 Associates of Arts Oregon Transfer and 6 Associates of Science Oregon Transfer degrees and will move on to bachelor’s degree programs; 157 will receive Associate of Applied Science degrees; 101 will receive Associate of General Studies degrees; 123 Associate of Science degrees; and 77 students also earned Certificates of Completion. As a result of multiple college-wide initiatives implemented over the past 2-3 years, these numbers represent an increase of over 21% (76) in the number of students who will earn degrees or certificates as compared to last year. Eleven students have obtained bachelor’s degrees and three earned master’s degrees through the college’s University Center in partnership with the Oregon University System. Some students will receive more than one degree.