News release CCSO.  On 04/05/17 at 15:03 hours a Coos County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to 65477 Elkridge Lane in the course of investigating several stolen vehicles.  Upon arrival at the location the Deputy located several subjects and vehicles outside the residence.  At least three of these subjects fled from the location on foot prior to the Deputy being able to contact them.  For previous information received the Deputy knew at least one of these subjects had a valid warrant for his arrest.  The Deputy completed his investigation at the residence and took photos and documented 13 cars at the location with several different registered owners, from Springfield to Coos Bay.  Record checks revealed all the vehicles were to be clear and not reported stolen as of this time in the investigation.  Several of the vehicles had the engines removed and one vehicle was being spray painted black.  During the course of the investigation it was learned vehicles are being stolen in the area while people are on vacation or out of the area only to be reported stolen at a later date.  The Sheriff’s Office encourages anyone with stolen vehicles or items to report the theft immediately.  After other Deputies arrived at the location to assist the initial Deputy, Coos County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Odin was allowed to track for the subjects who fled on foot from the residence when the first Deputy had initially arrived.  This was due to at least one of the suspects was known to have outstanding warrants.   K-9 Odin tracked for approximately 1 mile and located Lucas N. Huhn, 37 YOA, and Bradley N. Krajewski, 34 YOA, hiding in thick brush.   Both subjects had valid warrants for their arrest and were taken into custody.   A short time later K-9 Odin located a third subject, Michelle L. Rampoldi, 47 YOA of Bandon also hiding in brush in yet another location.   Mrs. Rampoldi was escorted out of the brush and is being referred to the D.A.’s office in the case file.  Mr. Huhn who had 5 valid warrants from Coos County and Mr. Krajewski who had 2 valid Coos County warrants were transported to the Coos County Jail on the warrants where they are both being held.  These three captures mark K-9 Odin’s 39th, 40th and 41st captures of his relatively young career.  The investigation into the vehicles thefts is ongoing, involving officers from the Coos County Sheriff’s Office, Coos Bay Police Department, North Bend Police Department and Oregon State Police.  Anyone who has any further information is encouraged to contact the Sheriff’s Office at 541-396-7800.