Bay Area News

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Introduction to WIX Personal, July 14

News release CBPL.  Coos Bay Public Library in will be offering a brand new class, INTRODUCTION TO WIX PERSONAL intended for those looking to create a new or better website for anything from special projects, h...
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Google Drive Course, July 14

Coos Bay Public Library will be offering an Introduction to Google Drive class for novice users. This class will be held on Friday, July 14, from 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the library’s Internet computers (entrance at...
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Friday Foreign Film, July 14

The “Friday Foreign Film” series at Coos Bay Public Library continues at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, July 14th.  Award-winning actress Isabelle Huppert star in the 2016 French drama “Things to Come.” A fifty-something...
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Music on the Corner in Downtown Coos Bay, July 14

The Coos Bay Downtown Association (CBDA) and The World newspaper are hosting the third annual Music on the Corner concert series to take place every Friday at noon through August 25, on the corner of 4th Street...
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North Bend 2017 July Jubilee, July 14

“Live, Laugh, Celebrate” - North Bend Celebrating 114yrs! July 14 thru 16th, 2017.  Come to North Bend July 14th, 15th & 16th, and “Live, Laugh, Celebrate” during the July Jubilee! Enjoy a week-end full of ...
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Scam Calls, July 14

News release Capt. Kelley Andrews, CCSO, Thursday, July 13, 12:38 p.m.  I don’t have much information but we are getting reports of a scam going around our Coos County area where an unknown person calls by phon...
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Tuna Canning Workshop, July 13

Tuna season is here, and it is time to make sure you and your equipment are ready to can up the harvest. The Master Food Preservers of Coos County, volunteers with the Oregon State University Extension Service,...