Coastal News

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Red Cross at Chetco Bar Fire, Aug. 29

Red Cross Response to the Chetco Bar Wildfire: * Since August 17, the Red Cross has operated a wildfire evacuation shelter. The shelter remains open at Riley Elementary School, 94350 6th St, Gold Beach, OR 9744...
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Chetco Bar Fire, Aug. 29

Weather: Critical fire weather conditions have continued. Extreme fire behavior was anticipated. Dry and unstable conditions will lower humidity into the night and the unstable air could lead to more lift and v...
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Quake off CB, Aug. 28

A 4.3-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific seafloor within the Cascadia Subduction Zone Sunday, Aug. 27.  According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake was located west to Northwest of Coos Bay on the ou...
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American Red Cross in GB, Aug. 25

The American Red Cross shelter set up for evacuees of the Chetco Bar Wildfire served more than 150 meals Wednesday, Aug. 23, and housed 20 people overnight. The Red Cross has provided 114 overnight stays and 1,...
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OPRD Looking at Camping Rate Increase, Aug. 24

The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is proposing amendments to agency rules related to overnight camping rates for state parks. A $2 per site increase in the base rate for overnight rental fees on...
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Red Cross in Curry Co., Aug. 24

The American Red Cross shelter set up for Chetco Bar Wildfire evacuees remains open in Gold Beach and continues to provide shelter and aid to people displaced from their homes. The Red Cross shelter is located ...
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Chetco Bar Fire, Aug. 24

Oregon Dept. of Forestry update:  The Chetco Bar Fire is operating with a unified command structure that includes Oregon State Fire Marshal, U.S. Forest Service, Oregon Department of Forestry and Coos Forest Pr...