North Bend Fire Department – Christmas Tree Pick Up, Jan. 13

On Saturday, January 14, 2017 North Bend firefighters will be continuing a long tradition retrieving discarded Christmas trees placed on the side walk in front of homes within the city.  The effort is a voluntary fund raiser designed to benefit several causes in our community. In addition to removing the potential fire hazards of dry Christmas trees in our homes, some of the trees are used by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to enhance fish habitat in our local streams. Furthermore, 100% of the contributions received from this activity are used by the North Bend Volunteer Firefighters Association to help fund their “Kids for Christmas” program. The program is a community outreach effort that provides food and gifts for less fortunate families here in North Bend. All trees will be picked up with or without a donation being offered!   However, your, donation is greatly appreciated and it will be put to good use during the 2017 Holiday season. When donations are offered, they average around $10.  Self-addressed donation envelopes will be left on the doors of those homes which have placed their Christmas trees out front for pick up.  Donations can also be mailed or hand delivered to the Firefighters Association at the main North Bend Fire Station located at 1880 McPherson Street, across the street from the North Bend Post Office.  Citizens having trees that need to be picked up, which were missed on January 7th or 14th, may call Assistant Chief Jim Brown at 541-756-8581 to arrange a special pickup. Trees may also be dropped off in the north-west corner of the  fire station’s parking lot.