Coastal News

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Central Coast Kidnapping, Dec. 16

On December 6, 2013 at approximately 4:45 p.m., Newport Police Officers were dispatched to a kidnapping of a child. Officers were advised that an unknown male abducted a seven (7) year old girl and took her int...
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Quake off Canada, Dec. 16

An earthquake shook the northern end of two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast Sunday morning, Dec. 15. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the 4.7-magnitude quake occurred at 10:11 a.m., ...
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ODFW Report, Dec. 13

ODFW Report Winter Steelhead - The first fish have arrived in many rivers and streams – expect the fishing to really pick up once we get some warm weather and little rain. Not sure where to go? Check out the 2...
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New OSP Recruits for Oregon Coast, Dec. 13

Nine Oregon State Police (OSP) recruit troopers along with 29 recruit officers from other law enforcement agencies, including the oldest student to attend and graduate from the course, are graduating Friday, De...
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Dungeness Crab presoak on Oregon Coast, Dec. 13

Commercial crabbers along the Oregon Coast will be placing their crab pots in the ocean Friday in a presoak prior to the start of the 2013-14 season, Monday, Dec. 16. The season would have normally started Dec....
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Oregon Crab Price Negotiations Successful, Dec. 13

Dungeness crab fishermen along the Oregon coast will begin setting their pots in the ocean at 8 a.m. on Friday, after an agreement was reached in the annual state-supervised crab price negotiations late Wednesd...
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Van Duzer Corridor, Dec. 12

Restrooms at H.B. Van Duzer Forest State Scenic Corridor, a rest area located on Oregon Route 18/the Salmon River Highway 15 miles northeast of Lincoln City, will be periodically closed for maintenance over the...