Traffic Control Flagger Training, Jan. 31Traffic Control Flagger Training is a one day, Oregon Department of Transportation approved, safety training course covering the requirements for...
Job Assist Computer Lab at CBPL, Jan. 31Coos Bay Public Library will offer a New JOB ASSIST COMPUTER LAB. This workshop will be held on Friday, January...
NBHS Jazz Band, Jan. 31Friday January 31st the North Bend High School Jazz Band will be hosting the second annual Funksgiving. Tickets are $15...
Grandparents ROCK, Jan. 30Grandparents ROCK will host an information session on the legislation “New Requirements Regarding Grandparent Rights” which took effect on January...
Committee Vacancies in North Bend, Jan. 30The City of North Bend is accepting applications to fill vacancies on the following committees: • Budget Committee (3); •...
DUII Task Force for Super Bowl Sunday, Jan. 30Once again, as football’s annual Super Bowl is upon us, so is one Law Enforcements busiest events. Sunday, February 2nd,...
Southwestern Offers “Parenting Your Teens” Workshops in Coos Bay, Jan. 29Southwestern Oregon Community College is offering a free workshop series called “Parenting Your Teens”. This series will run for five...
Mayors at WBC Forum, Jan. 29The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce WBC luncheon Forum Presents: Mayor Crystal Shoji & Mayor Rick Wetherell with 2013 City...
Strengthening Families Workshop in Bandon, Jan. 28Southwestern Oregon Community College is offering a free, interactive series of workshops, for PARENTS and YOUNG TEENS TOGETHER, focusing on...
OMSI at CBPL, Jan. 28OMSI is coming to Coos Bay! The Coos Bay Public Library will be hosting two traveling exhibits from Oregon’s Museum...