Quake off Northern California, March 31A 4.6-magnitude earthquake rocked the Pacific Ocean floor off Northern California Wednesday, March 30. According to the U.S. Geological Survey,...
Skipper still Missing, March 31The body of the skipper of the “Patty AJ,” which capsized inside the Coos Bay Bar, March 23, was not...
Funding Task Force Meets March 30 at State Capitol, March 30The legislative task force on Funding for Fish, Wildlife and Related Outdoor Recreation and Education will hold its third meeting...
Board of Agriculture to meet in Corvallis, March 30Presentations provided by Oregon State University experts, ranging from small farms and hemp to pollinators and food safety, highlight the...
Elementary Education Teacher Licensure Program, March 30Southwestern Oregon Community College is pleased to announce that Southern Oregon University (SOU) is partnering with Southwestern and the Southwestern...
71st Annual Lower Umpqua Tree Plant, March 30Over 150 Reedsport and Elkton students will participate in the 71st annual Lower Umpqua Tree Plant on the morning of...
Beach Driving Discussion, March 30The public is invited to comment on whether beach driving should be allowed at 35th Court at a meeting hosted...
WBC Forum, March 30The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Wednesday Business Connection (WBC Forum) is held Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., Salmon Room, Mill Casino/Hotel,...
Cormorant Harassment on North Coast, March 30Harassment, or “hazing”, of double-crested cormorants is set to begin soon in several areas along the Oregon Coast to improve...
Unlawful Use of Weapon, March 29News release Coos Co. Sheriff’s Office. On 3-27-16 at 1759 hours Coos County Law Enforcement was alerted of a dispute...